What is No Nut November or NNN

Find out more about No Nut November (NNN), including how to participate without giving up and some advice on how to make it through the exhaustingly long month! Advice on why you could decide against Destroying Dick December (DDD) as well!

What is No Nut November?

For a month, people choose to stop ejaculation during No Nut November (NNN). Ejaculation is also referred to as “nutting,” which is good since we don’t have enough of it. While anyone is welcome to participate, guys with penises are the ones that typically do. It’s an online phenomenon (originating from the No Fap movement on Reddit), and a lot of people find it offensive.

Table of Contents

Many of the participants in NNN, or No Fap in general, are absolute douchebags about it. They are frequently prejudiced and use derogatory sexual slurs against women. A few of these individuals have also threatened porn companies and sex workers over NNN. Some dislike it because, as we’ll see later, the common assertions about not masturbating are essentially false. It’s also evident that there are some connections to incredibly negative groups and ways of thinking. Additionally, the ideas they spread to men about what it means to be a male are detrimental to both men and those around them. But it’s vital to keep in mind that many of those who engage in it are acting in a very relaxed manner. Their posts about it might be genuinely humorous at times. Simply said, it’s critical to keep in mind that many people receive terrible sex education, which teaches them almost nothing about effective masturbation.

Why do people do it?

Similar to masturbating, there are a variety of reasons why people participate in No Nut November. Many believe they are hooked to sexual ideas or pictures (such as porn) or that they masturbate excessively. A few people consider using their time and energy for something else instead of masturbating. “Learn the violin or other activity. Some believe that if they can control their urges, it will make them “more of a man.” In connection with this, some people believe that staying away from masturbation will raise their testosterone levels. They will be more macho if they believe that this hormone will make them such, but testosterone and manliness don’t function that way.

Is it a good idea?

Our understanding of masturbation is based on two fundamental philosophies. Both should and shouldn’t be avoided when masturbating. One of the two messages is the sexist one that says, “You will burn in hell for masturbating.” Alternatively, the sex-positive “Here are all the reasons why you should definitely masturbate—it’s actually really good for you.” Do it if it makes you feel good; if not, don’t. Many people are concerned about the amount of masturbation they engage in and the potential consequences. Basically, you may continue to live your life, keep your friendships and relationships intact, and masturbate as long as you don’t damage yourself.

Expert Tips for No Nut November

Here are the greatest ideas for those who are practicing NNN or No Fap for laughs, to see if you can, or to try to control how much you masturbate.

Options not to masturbate

It is suggested that you consider the reasons behind your masturbation. Note down every reason you can think of for your masturbation, including being bored, stressed, exhausted, or horny. After doing so, go over the list and ask yourself, “Which of these can I only accomplish through masturbation?” Then consider all the alternative methods you could accomplish those goals. You could read, practice deep breathing, take a nap, complete your coursework, and so forth. If you’re horny, you may

Surf the urge

The idea of urge surfing is to truly slow things down and focus on being fully present in your body. Instead of just shutting it down, you simply recognize when you are horny. What physical sensations do you have? How did it begin? Do you sense a change in temperature or tingling? Simply observe where the lustfulness is coming from, surf it, and enjoy the moment while it lasts.


Thus, I don’t think the NNN population is aware of this loophole. Ejaculation and orgasms are two distinct things. Though they don’t always occur simultaneously, they frequently do. You may find out more about how to have an orgasm without ejaculating by reading posts on the differences between orgasm and ejaculation. This article could also teach you a few things about how to recognize an orgasm.

How to Handle Blue Balls/Vulvas

If you become aroused but do not ejaculate or have an orgasm, you may experience a slightly dull soreness in your genitals. This is referred to as blue balls or blue vulvas. This is referred to as vasocongestion, which is the best type of congestion. Masturbation is a method of relieving vasocongestion, so you should avoid it if you’re doing NNN. If you are patient, vasocongestion will go away on its own. You might also apply a cold flannel on your bits if you prefer. Learn more about vulvas and balls.

Fewer nuts November

The issue with abstinence models such as No Nut November is that once you start nutting, it’s game over. I understand the intention behind it, but it doesn’t assist if you want to reduce the amount of masturbation you perform or if you want to improve your connection with it and yourself. Believing that you are a success or a failure forces you to adopt a particular mindset. It’s acceptable to be in the middle and to continuously self-correct and change directions. Additionally, keep in mind that we are constantly evolving and that our “selves” are constantly emerging. Since these states are not fixed nor exist on their own, we are unable to be either successful or unsuccessful. Thus, it may be Fewer Nuts November rather than No Nut November. Yes, that sounds a lot less enjoyable, but that’s actually more practical.

Support each other

Get help from your friend if you wish to participate in NNN for legitimate and excellent causes. You obtain better friends and relationships if you put more faith in your friends to stand by you. In the same way, you can help one another out by asking for what you need and what they need. Ask the NNN person in your life what you can do if you have one.

Be cool about it

If you’re not a dick about your NNN, you’re more likely to obtain support for it. Simply approach it like you would a sponsored marathon or mustache grow. There’s no need to try to intimidate anyone into participating in NNN. Furthermore, you should never treat someone badly just because they could make NNN more difficult for you.

Look for alternative ways to be a man (or not).

I disagree with you if you believe that abstaining from masturbation for a month is the secret to being a true man. I apologize for it. guys are under a lot of pressure to be manly, and it may be very challenging for young guys to understand this.

Destroy Dick December

As the month comes to an end, you might be wondering about Destroy Dick December, a sacred and ancient wintertide practice. Obviously, this is a joke (and some people with clits do NNN as well, so let’s include them as well), so don’t take it too seriously. If you just do DDD after a month of not nutting, you’ve kind of undermined the purpose of NNN. So perhaps simply consider the wanks you will possess. Check to see if anything feels any different. Are you seeing that you have more of this if you were hoping to have a little more control over when and how you wank? Do you ever find yourself saying to yourself, “Well, I’m going to wank”? Perhaps you see wanking as a fun activity that you wish to engage in. Have you noticed that your wanking is becoming a touch more deliberate? Look for even the tiniest indication that something is improving. If so, what is it? Take note of your overall performance as well. What qualities about you might those closest to you, your loved ones, notice? Are there any differences you’ve seen in them? What self-perception do you have? What is superior? Thus, give that a try, regardless of whether you’ve finished NNN and are now attempting DDD, or not. Let’s comment if it was successful!

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